It's been over two years and today I just felt like writing - a way of expressing my joy and my journey. I am not sure how often I will write but I do feel like I have a burning today, for the past few days actually and it is time to give into it.
So what prompted this burning? I just had a birthday and as my birthday approached, I started to have a bit of a pity party. "I am alone, far from my family, all my friends are busy and can't celebrate with me. No one is going to surprise me with cake and a dinner out. This is going to be a horrible birthday without anything of significance happening. Wa wa wa."
To get out of my doldrums I asked myself, "Child what can you do to make this birthday a significant one for you and others? Instead of looking to be blessed, how can you be the blessing?" The questioned rolled into the corners of my mind as I contemplated possibilities of giving money to a charity as a birthday gift to myself. But what charity? How much money? How can I make this even more significant?
The morning of my special day, I woke up to multiple notifications on my phone telling me of all my friends that had already wished me blessings on my day. My doldrums and self pity disappeared as I remembered, I AM BLESSED!!! I have a multitude of family, friends and acquaintances who love me. I have a great job that pays well and satisfies my longing to help. I AM BLESSED and need to pass that blessing on.
So I made a pledge on facebook that I would donate $5 dollars for every person who sent a birthday greeting via any technology to a cause that is close to my heart - clean water. I used charitywater to facilitate my giving and used Facebook (and my birthday) as a platform to raise awareness about water issues and the joys of giving. In 3 days, I have almost reached my goal.
I did have misgivings about announcing my giving on Facebook. You know the whole, "Do not let your right hand know what the left is doing" thing. But I pray that instead of glorifying myself and unselfishness, I inspire others to see the possible ways that they can give back and that a community of givers is established.
In the end, my birthday was a GREAT day. I had coffee with a friend in the morning (I brought the coffee and some garden strawberries I stole from a friend - another way of blessing others), and my room mate cooked me supper in the evening. No I wasn't surprised with cake but I was surprised with some apple fritter donuts which is just as good. More importantly, I made a small change in the world and possibly started a new birthday tradition.