I recently caved and got satellite TV to fill in the lonely hours up here in Northern Alberta. And what was I the most excited about? The movie channels? Keeping up to date on my favorite shows? No I am most excited about having access to CBC radio. OK it will never replace CKUA in my heart. After all CKUA is the best radio station in the world and is Alberta born and bred (check it out at www.ckua.com). However, the CBC does come in a close second.
So every morning I wake up and brew my coffee to the sounds of CBC Radio 1 Vancouver. I feel connected to the world. I catch the news. I hear Canadian musicians. And today I whooped and hollered when Stuart McLean's Vinyl Cafe came on the air, especially since he had the Wailing Jennies and Randy Bachman providing the music for his show. After the laughter that the Vinyl Cafe induces, I took part in the Canadian wide discussion of whether or not our troops should withdraw from Afghanistan via Country Checkup with good old Rex Murphy. I stated my opinions vehmenently to my empty house and felt damn good afterwards. Why didn't I think of getting Satellite TV earlier?
Life is good right now. I am glad that I decided to come back up North although I will miss my family incredibely. So to become more connected, I decided to switch my blogging to this spot. My real emotional stuff might still go in my previous diary but we shall see. My goal in this exercise is to get my bro to put me in his most visited column.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging! I'm glad I'll be kept caught up between our sporadic visits in Lethbridge!
It makes me laugh that you're so excited to have bought Satallite TV so you can get Radio... but enjoy it!
I'm just checking out your CKUA... sounds pretty cool.
Yeah Rex Murphy and yeah Stuart Maclean! Maybe we can listen to the radio together sometime, Jen. And I do love that your favorite thing about satellite is CBC (even if it is Vancouver - maybe you can listen to the radio with Wendy) - welcome back to the world Jen. And how did this address get on my history? I didn't know you were up and running. love you
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