Sunday, March 11, 2007

Nothing New This Week

This week was ho hum ho hum. I taught. I procrastinated. I watched a lot of TV. There was nothing new or exciting. I think that I need a little bit of a shake up- something to make me rely more on Christ, something to help me find satisfaction in Christ instead of filling my longing with Grey's Anatomy and a plethora of other TV shows. But am I going to ask for this shake up. Oh no. I am comfortable right now. Shake ups scare me. I dont like them. They are difficult. However, if I need it, it is going to come.


bevie said...

I find that just when I feel like life is getting mundane, something happens. Usually something that is not fun, and then I wish for the mundane life... where everything feels under control.
Shake-ups are necessary though. For me it encourages discipline and passion.

Hillary said...

I completely understand exactly what you are saying. We find ourselves in these places of apathy, and knowing that things could change makes us not want anything to change, but changing is exactly what we need.
I hope that whatever change comes, you will greet it with excitement and eagerness, because we know that those 'shake ups' are what makes us more like Christ.

Jen L said...

I know I know. Don't like it but I know.