Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Holy Punch to the Stomach

At Breakforth this year, I picked up a devotional from Kay Arthur on Leadership. I started using it just as my principal broke her hip and I had to take over. It has offered some encouragement and some conviction. As I was starting my position it asked, "Have you been thrown into a postition of leadership that you felt unprepared for?" Ummm yes.

So lately I have been stressed about the uncertainty of next year . Will I be principal or teacher? With they get a good principal in, someone that leads and that I could follow? So today I read the story about Saul and David in the cave. Saul is taking a dump and David's followers say, "Hey man this is your chance. God has delivered Saul into your hands. Go for it." Instead David cuts off a piece of Saul's outer garment and states that it is not his job to kill God's annointed.

Well this whole passage was a bit of a wake up call. David was willing to be patient for God to work and to put David in his rightful place. It reminded me that I must too be patient while others make decisions that are out of my control. It is not as if I am dying to hear that I am principal. I just want to hear either way what is happening next year. But God pretty much screamed at me . . . "PATIENCE MY CHILD."

Then the follow up punch - a question that asked, "How do you react when you are under an incompotent leader? when you think that you could do a better job? This is when I had to repent and pray for a proper attitude to the leadership next year - to be a partner and offer my expertise instead of holing up in my classroom and refusing to engage.

I need to lead where ever God places me. And I need to be patient and wait for God to reveal what that placement is. I hate being patient.


Steve, Lisa, Katelyn, Naleah, and Alexa said...

Jen, is it so awesome to hear how God is working in your life. We are praying for you.

bevie said...

Hey there. I have been thinking of you alot lately.. I have started to post on my blog again... like i said it just took way to long. Sorry about that. I am praying for you. I am continually encouraged by you. Thank you for sharing your life with us. God is always working in us through us... it is easy to see that HE is working through you...

Susan said...

Hey Jen,

Just wanted you to know that I still check out your blog...I love reading it. Good luck with whatever the future holds for you...hope your summer is restful!