Sunday, June 08, 2008


I applied for the principalship next year at Kateri school. The next day was a horrid day and I regretted it - kind of. I am really not sure what I want. I dream about being in the office and I dream about being back in class. I am definitely torn.

Writing a resume is always a good exercise. I remember back in university that I had a kick ass resume. Maybe it was because I kept on switching jobs (summer to school year and then back again). But I also had a lot of volunteer/leadership opportunities: church involvement, literacy volunteering, choir etc. It was always a task to pare down my resume to the ideal highlights and try to keep it to two pages.

My resume has been reduced to a one pager. Partly it is because I have been in one job for 4 plus years now. The list of responsibilities under that job is still kick ass though. I have done a lot of great things here and have had many amazing opportunities. However, my life has also been reduced to one page, one dimension - school. That is all I have. No church involvement, no other volunteer opportunities. Everything I do is for the school.

This isn't a complaint. It is a an observation of my place in life right now. Hopefully this summer I can expand my horizons, add some new dimensions to my life. Maybe take one month off from school.

1 comment:

Amy.E said...

Good luck with the new job possibility!

I hope you have some amazing experiences this summer, whether they affect your resume or not!