Sunday, March 18, 2007

My sports adventure

This weekend was the annual teacher funspiel for teachers in High Prairie. So two rookie teachers and rookie curlers and myself took off to have some fun and exercise. We had had a team of four but do to illness we were cut down to three.

But the thing about curling is that it is kind of an equalizer. Flukes can work to our advantage. We ended up third out of 5 teams - not to shabby. We lost two games, one one game and tied another game. But flukes were our strategy. So much so that at the end of one game - after one of my most flukey shots, I stated to my team members, "So I guess we tied that one." They replied, "Ah no Jen our fearsome skip. Because you knocked their rock out of the house we scored two points." (If they were using curlingese, they might have said "We were lying two." but remember we are all rookies on our team).

So once again, I had a great time at the funspiel. And once again, I am sore and I never even swept that much, since I was skipping. But maybe the soreness has to do with the fact that I landed on my tailbone in game 2. You know the commercial with the lady shopping in a grocery store and she starts falling with her legs and arms both in the air and the grocery clerk throws paper towels under her. Well that was me with out the paper towels. And man did it ever hurt.


gl said...

Jen, even Shmirler the curler started at a funspiel, I'm sure! So I expect great things from your curling career - now that I am an experienced Tournament of Hearts 'watcher'. (is there a correct curling term for that?)

bevie said...

it sounds like fun to me...
Thanks for the note, by the way!
Hope all is well for you. Keeping you in my prayers.