Here our some pictures of the leak at my school. It is -20 degrees Celsius outside and the ceiling still leaks. A GREAT learning environment. You may notice the water pooling in the flourescent light cover but what is missing is the water dripping through the smoke detector. Could this be why the fire alarm went off Saturday afternoon.
Hey I finally get to stop being principal this week. Yeah!!! (This should definitely improve the learning environment)
So does this mean that Jean is back? and healthy? and if Pepsi explodes, how does water drip and pool at -20? I am sorry that your working conditions are so rotten Jen!
Back yes. Healthy I sure hope so. And as for metling water at 20 below zero, it is a mystery to me too. Maybe it has something to do with the flat roof, a tonne of snow and holes in the rubber sealing the roof.
Crazy! That's all I can say... Thanks for keeping me uptodate with your blog. I enjoy knowing what my sis is up to - plus it helps me pray!
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